Created by Konstantin Bronzit, Dmitriy Vysotskiy / 2024
"Tied Up" is an animated feature film by Konstantin Bronzit and Dmitriy Vysotskiy.
In a cruel turn of fate, Mac, a high-end necktie, is thrown in the trash. There he meets others in a similar predicament: a broken vase, an air freshener bottle, a boot with gum stuck on its sole, and a spool of thread down to her last bit of thread. Mac believes that he is better than this riff-raff and dreams of regaining his former life. The others want to reach a place called Paradise, thinking that's where they can make their wishes come true-and if you're stuck in a dumpster, you probably have something to wish for.
Сo-production with Lakeside Animation Studio (Canada) supported by the Russian Cinema Fund.